Thursday 15 May 2014

Experiment Conclusion


We feel the experiments went quite well, with certain faults, such as the breaking of equipment and the anomalous results we received (with regards to the courgette).
Both attempts yielded very similar results, and it appears we made no mistake with the solution concentration.
Our experiments make it clear to us that strawberries have the highest amount of Vitamin C, of the samples that we tested. In all we carried out 4 experiments, the two first experiments looking at the fruits and veg that seemed to have the highest amounts of vitamin C ( Repeating the same experiment twice), and the Second two experiments actually quantitatively looking at the samples we deemed to have the highest relative Vitamin C content. A table is included with our results. We have taken an mean, but would have liked to carry out the experiments a few more times to get a more accurate average.

After we had carried out our experiments we looked online at the actual values of Vitamin C in our samples. This research backed up our results: Strawberries have more Vitamin C per 100 grams(58.8mg opposed to 35mg in an orange). Courgettes have considerably less than the other two. One fruit we didn't look at was Kiwi Fruit, which has 92.7 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.

This experiment encompasses biology and chemistry, and we need to add some physics. So here is some physics regarding colour absorption and reflection:
Since the molecular bonds between the atoms of the liquids vibrate with a certain frequency, they interact with light waves (photons) of the same frequency. The liquid therefore absorbs this certain wavelength of light, changing the amplitude of the molecular vibration to a higher state.
The liquid DCPIP in our experiment reflects the blue light since its frequency copes with the molecular frequency. With regard to the chemical properties and reactions of Vitamin C, we must discuss Vitamin Cs chemical composition. Vitaminc Cs chemical formula is C6H8O6, and is derived from glucose, although most Humans can't synthesize it, so must get a supply from outside of the body, by the eating of citrus fruits.

L-Ascorbic acid.svg
Vitamin C is essential to most animals, as it helps catalyze several metabolic reactions ; Without Vitamin C and these reactions, Scurvy and death usually result. Scurvy is a disease that causes anemia, debility, swelling in various parts of the body, and often loss of teeth. It is famous for mainly affecting sailors in the 16th to 19th centuries, and the supplying of limes to the Royal Navy is why our cousins over the Atlantic name us 'Limies'.The reactions catalyzed by Vitamin C are immensely complicated and are too long to discuss here. With regards to Biology, Vitamin C is essential for life, and as well as keeping the body healthy, may also a part in control of gene expression and translation (a recent hypotheses proposed in 2010, published in the journal 'Nature'). The Vitamin acts as an electron donor for several enzymes, that catalyze reactions as far spread as blood clotting to protein synthesis.

Amount of DCPIP (1st attempt) cm3
Amount of DCPIP (2nd attempt) cm3
Amount of DCPIP (Average) cm3





Blog created by Eduardo Rodarte Aguilera, Philipp Garschina, Matthew Harris, Jack Wood and Enyo Ahovi.

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